What is Liberal Education?
July 12, 2024

FLAS chairman Ljubomir Filipović wrote a column for Montenegrin media CDM.

In his text, Ljubomir Filipović explores the concept of liberal education, tracing its roots from the Renaissance universities to its modern applications. He explains how "liberal arts" originally referred to a broad set of skills, rather than the fine arts. Today's liberal arts and sciences education, particularly in Europe and America, emphasizes personalized learning paths, where students begin with a broad foundational year before specializing. This approach addresses the common issue of students choosing fields under external pressures without sufficient information. By fostering a broad-based education with the option to specialize in a field of knowledge after one year of studies, liberal education prepares students for a versatile and dynamic job market, offering a balance between various disciplines. Ljubomir Filipović also advocates for adopting more flexible and innovative educational policies in Montenegro to embrace this model, thus enhancing the academic and professional prospects for its students.

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